In the near future, I plan to build a pastry shop that will sell icebox cakes to different customers. I think I'll need refrigeration for this, so it's important for me to buy display case parts in case I need to add something to the menu that I want them to buy. Thanks for telling me that I should choose accordingly if I want to make sure that everything is displayed correctly, so I might consider looking for companies that sell these.
Display Cases: The Best Way to Display All of Your Food Creations

In the restaurant business, you want customers to have a great impression of your business, and they will start to form an impression as soon as they step in the door. You also want your customers to order baked goods and other desserts at the end of their meal, and one way to get them interested in doing just that is to showcase your food in a display case. A restaurant display case is an essential purchase for any business that sells cookies, cakes, cupcakes, pies, and other delicacies. If you own a cafe or bistro, you may also use your display case to show off your salads, sandwiches, and quiches. Before you purchase a display case blindly, you should learn about all of the features and options you have so your display case fits seamlessly in your restaurant's everyday business.
Case Shelf Options and Size
A good display case is a well-stocked display case. You may need more shelves than you anticipate in your case, and you want to make sure you pay attention to the shelf number. Do you need 3 shelves to neatly fit 4 pies or trays of baked goods on each one? Make a list of how many items you want to showcase, and also the sample dimensions of any trays you will use in the case. Just keep in mind that the more shelves a case has, the more likely it will take up a large amount of space. What size do you want your display case? You may run a small cafe where space is limited, or you may only have a predefined area in your retail space. Take the dimensions of the designed display case area, and choose accordingly.
Access and Lighting
If your customers will be selecting a cookie, piece of cake, salad, or any other menu item from those on display in the case, then you'll need to have rear access. Pick the option that lets you easily reach in, grab the requested item, and present it to the customer quickly. Do you want your customers to be able to “grab and go” by serving themselves from your display case? You want to make sure you purchase a case that includes front access. You want your customers to crave your food, which means it has to look desirable. Good food looks great in the right lighting, and the right display case will have a lighting system that enhances your food. Many cases on the market include a feature that keeps a well-balanced color spectrum, so the icing and decorations of your goods look vibrant and bright.
You want your food to taste amazing for your customers, and that requires keeping it at a proper temperature. Do you have a bakery where your pies require constant refrigeration at a certain temperature? Make sure whatever display case you purchase offers a temperature-setting system that works for you. The same goes if you own a deli. In this case, if you sell pre-prepared meals that need to be kept heated, then you're going to opt for a heated display case. Choose the options that will let you merchandise your food in style, and keep it at the right temperature for your customers. Look at how many fans or lamps the case has as well as all of the temperature settings.
Showing off your restaurant's offerings is easy if your customers are able to see them right when they walk in the door. It doesn't matter how big your restaurant is, or what you serve, one of the biggest selling points is your food, so you should make it attractive to the eye. The right display case showcases your menu items and entices customers to make purchases. Remember that presentation is everything, and your display case is a tool in your restaurant's appearance, so it better make you look good!
I appreciate your advice about getting a display case with the temperature setting system needed for the food we serve. The bakeshop I work for does take pride in its pies. We're looking for a pie warmer because the boss wants to start selling at the beach for summer which is a first for us.
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