Food Dehydrator Buying Guide

Our main method of preserving food is by freezing it. Despite its popularity, another method appeared in the last years: food dehydration. Of course, the two are interconnected, since dehydrated food goes into the freezer anyway.
Frozen and dehydrated food lasts a lot longer than food you simply put in bulk in your freezer. Moreover, it won’t be prone to the recurring nightmare known as “freezer burn,” when the frost actually renders the food inedible.
In light of this information, perhaps we should all start dehydrating food? What better way is there to do that than by using a food dehydrator? None, I assure you.
Before getting to the guide, let’s see some of the health benefits affiliated with dehydrated food.
1. Why Should You Use a Dehydrator?
I’m convinced no one is ever going to purchase a food dehydrator just because we say they should. Things might take an unexpected turn after you learn about the following benefits:
- Dehydrated food is less likely to develop cultures of bacteria. The moisture in the food is a breeding ground for all sorts of tiny microforms prepared to go all guns blazing inside of our bodies. When the food dehydrator sucks the moisture out of the food, those bacteria have nowhere to go, so they die.
- Not even 1% of the nutritional value is lost. I know for a fact that many people choose not to dehydrate food because they think it will become insipid. Wrong! All nutritional content is preserved. The vitamins, too, are retained.
- Food lasts longer. Fruit and vegetables, for instance, can stay all dehydrated and cozy for 30 years without going bad. Powdered milk can last for two decades.
- It allows you to save money. Have you ever seen the price tag on a tiny bag of dehydrated apricots? It’s robbery! By purchasing a food dehydrator, you won’t ever need to pay a fortune for dried products.
2. Types of Food Dehydrators
For House Use

Needless to say, there are food dehydrators for use at home and dehydrators you’d need a tractor to move around. A food dehydrator intended for domestic use has a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 5 trays.
For Commercial Use

If you have a business that necessitates a food dehydrator, purchasing one with 5 or 4 trays would be an exercise of self-sabotage. In order for everything to go like clockwork, you need a commercial dehydrator.
3. The Bottom Line
A food dehydrator can make a huge difference in your wallet. Just imagine the possibilities: having fresh vegetables through the winter(s), saving space you’d clutter with jars and storing things that would otherwise spoil for years to come.
If we’ve made you curious enough to buy your own food dehydrator, then, by all means, do so. The perks are real, and you can reap them whenever you want. Just make sure you’ll purchase the product that will suit you best.
For home use, we recommend one with five trays. For commercial use, a dehydrator with 12 trays is the best catch.
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