Decorative Trash Can Enclosures & Covers

Browse through our selection of decorative trash can enclosures & decorative trash can covers!

Winco WR-35
Winco WR-35

35 Gallon Wooden Food Waste Receptacle Enclosure w/ Tray Top

$199.85Ā /ea


Omcan USA 43840
Omcan USA 43840

36 Gallon Food Waste Receptacle w/ Tray Holder, Natural Finish

$351.87Ā /ea


Omcan USA 46584
Omcan USA 46584

36 Gallon Food Waste Receptacle w/ Tray Holder, Black Finish

$351.87Ā /ea


1 - 10 of 10

When you want to keep your business looking fresh, the best thing you can do is keep your bins covered up. With the help of our numerous decorative trash can enclosures, you make the mess that goes in the bin a lot less unappealing. Those sitting down to eat their food or mingle with friends don’t want to look at full, overflowing bins. Using these simple but easy to use enclosures and covers for bins, you can easily make sure you have no problems keeping the place protected and safe. With up to 36 gallons of space within one of these bin boxes, you can easily store lager bins in here, improving hygiene, cleanliness, and aesthetic appeal all at once.

Nobody wants to eat in a restaurant that is overflowing or infested with problems like trash. By using smart covers like this, you can easily and quickly rule out such a problem. Business reputation will improve too, especially by using trusted brands like Oak Street Manufacturing and Winco. We want to help you make running your business easier. This is why we have so many useful items to pick from here at GoFoodservice. With tools like this, you can easily make the process much easier and ensure you get the job done in a fraction of the normal time. Why let poor aesthetics bring your business down? Using our high-quality decorative trash can enclosure and covers, you have no need to settle for anything.

Keep your trash cans enclosed in a sanitary space out of customer's eyes with these decorative indoor trash can enclosures and covers! Garbage and other food waste are unsightly to anyone and can attract flies so keeping it in an enclosed space can help stave off bugs and leave your customers feeling good to eat in your establishment. Our indoor trash can enclosures and covers come from leading foodservice manufacturers so you can rest assured that you are getting a quality product here at GoFoodservice.