Hanging Scales

Browse through our selection of hanging scales, grocery store scales, & spring scales!

Omcan USA 43827
Omcan USA 43827

22 Lb Hanging Dial Scale

$75.09 /ea


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Save valuable counter space with our hanging scales, available in a variety of sizes and configurations for any application. At GoFoodservice, we strive to provide our customers with the most competitive prices from the highest quality brands. Check out our selection to find the perfect handing scale for you today! When you want to get the right kind of value on produce, one of the most useful tools you can use includes hanging scales. Very easy to use and to set up, they allow for making the challenge of getting the right amount of ingredient for each dish much easier. Many people choose to turn to hanging scales because they reduce the amount of space taken up on the countertop. With hanging scales, you can quickly weigh and analyze all of your food to make sure that it’s the perfect configuration for your own needs.

It’s a good choice for kitchens with limited space, and at GoFoodservice we recommend them to any kitchen that feels like they need to make a meaningful change to how they plan and prepare their foods. With the right kind of hanging scales from trusted companies like Penn Scale, you can make sure you get the highest standard of hanging scales at a price you can be happy to pay. Choose the scales that suit your own needs, and let us know exactly what you are looking for: if you are unsure, our team will be happy to help you find the best hanging scales for your needs!