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Slicing & Carving Knives / Utensils

Browse our categories of commercial slicing knives, carving knives, slicing utensils, & carving utensils!

Put the finishing touches on your restaurant or deli kitchen with our slicing and carving knives. Quickly carve up meats, slice pizzas, and cut through breads with our selection of slicing and carving utensils from the biggest brands like Triangle, Saint-Romain, and Victorinox. A variety of knives and attractive handles will surely satisfy every taste.

Stainless steel and German steel blades make these knives resistant to damage and easy to sanitize. Our carefully selected collection of slicing and carving knives are made with the newest technology and state-of-the-art construction methods. Easy edge maintenance and rapid sharpening makes these slicing and carving utensils the best in the foodservice industry. Convenient features like color-coded handles let kitchen staff quickly determine slicing and carving knives for different uses as well as allergen-free dishes.

These slicing and carving utensils boast ergonomically designed, slip-resistant handles that repel stains and reduce arm and hand fatigue. Many of our slicing and carving knives even have built-in protective finger guards to reduce injuries. We even have electric knives and pizza cutters! Look